Learn the Foundations of Anti-Diet Work With Fellow RDs

COMING SOON: A multi-day Anti-Diet Nutrition Workshop, led by Heather Caplan RD LDN and featuring practitioners with various specialties!

Add your email to the waiting list, and be the first to know when the workshop is happening and how to register!

Why join this course?

"I hope to get a better understanding of the anti-diet world in general. I feel like I've just barely scratched the surface on my own and have been itching to talk to other RDs about this. I work in public health where weight stigma runs rampant. I want to bring this conversation and concept to my organization and how we can change our approach!"

- January 2021 Course Participant

Heather Caplan RD anti-diet course
Anti Diet Course 4 modules
Course Modules

The Anti-Diet RD Support course is virtual and self-paced, with the addition of live learnings, journal prompts, worksheets, and more!

Anti Diet Group Supervision
Group Supervision

All Anti-Diet RD Support course participants have the option to purchase and participate in weekly group supervision calls for additional training!

Anti Diet RD course community
Private Community

Every Anti-Diet RD support course participant is added to our private community, to network with and continue learning from fellow RDs!